graphics.loadPNG now accepts a string for the path or url
Service network thread at least every second, more often if connecting (Prevents delayed connection)
Extra failure logging in CArgumentArray::Read
Update checker tidy ups
Don't show an annoying message when launched over remote desktop - IV
Don't start GTAC sco scripts if loading a savegame - IV
Damage crash fix - IV
Wait for network data on network thread rather than polling (Improves ping time by up to 10 times, reliability and cpu usage which is reduced by 70%)
Same change as above but for the socket thread
Fix logic for "Retail" folder that could cause issues for dlls like binkw32.dll etc. so this way the correct dlls are loaded
Fix ImGui event logic for new launcher
Only attach parent console if Windows Vista or later to prevent a bug on Windows XP where if the attach console fails, creating a console fails
Refactor of network code so that client and server code is kept separate on the low level preventing possible mistakes, exploits and other weird quirks
Start/restart resource commands automatically reload the resource if on disk to ease development
Collect garbage when removing a resource, receiving resources from the server and when refreshing resources
Slightly increase gap for players column to accommodate certain themes
Fixed width of columns so that no horizontal scroll bar is added
Reduced width slightly of "Key" column to allow extra space for "Value"
Added thread.create and thread.wait
Added triggerNetworkEventUnreliable
Update enet to 1.3.18
Update libpng from 1.6.43 to 1.6.45
Update curl from 8.9.1 to 8.11.1
Update freetype from 2.13.2 to 2.13.3
Set working directory to plugin location when loading plugins (So config loads from that location)
Delete CXSessionGTAC after nulling the global pointer - IV
Send IV network events to the server - IV
Fixed a memory leak when getting the console machine in scripting
Fixed a mistake in LuaFunctionObjectToString where I copied LuaFunctionObjectNewIndex and didn't remove some code
Fixed possible uninitialised variables in LucasGUI
Optimised IPCServer
Check SP scripts exist to prevent freezes - IV
Don't start ambDebug - IV
Move relocated arrays into dynamically allocated memory to save virtual address space - All games
Set the launcher process priority class to below normal while the game is running
Fix import removal exception handling
Pass launcher window to game and use it as the main window for error messages (So messages are modal)
Fixed resumable exceptions not working due to relying on a fixed compiler bug
Adjust background thread priorities depending on the thread (Downloading/IO threads are the lowest priority, UDP threads are BelowNormal and audio threads are AboveNormal)
Fixed problems so that the latest Windows SDK can be used when compiling
Allow continuing if a hack conflict is found (Use cancel to terminate the game)
Fix player colours by modding by 32 (Custom) - IV
Remove another hack that breaks SocialWebBrowser - IV
Added checks to only process time/weather packets if freemode or custom - IV
Socket emulation no longer allocates memory and uses static buffers instead, optimising game networking greatly (Possibly removing some network lag) - IV
Removed an unrequired assert in DeletePlayerInfo - IV
When spawning a player don't set the pending syncer (Custom) - IV
Don't create a CNetObjPlayer unless a network game is running (Custom) - IV
Fix a crash if too many players spawn in the same frame (Process char variations list) - IV
Added network debug labels on entities for gamestats - IV
Script created players use highest possible index to avoid conflicts - IV
Fixed player name potentially not always being set for remote players - IV
Fixed player group crashes for players with an index past 31 (Don't add them to a ped group) - IV
If out of range of default player infos, clean it up - IV
Network memory pool removed and heap is used instead (Removes memory restrictions specific to network) - IV
Increase NetObjPed pool to match Ped pool - IV
Don't include "Jack's Mini Network" in the documents path
Use GetSystemDirectory to get rundll path
Don't leak process/thread handles if using rundll for injection
Add "Mods" to Open menu in the launcher
Remove unused variable in audio backends
Tidied up launcher code initialising more variables that should have been initialised
Fixed an issue in the usage of BASS where I didn't use the BASS_UNICODE flag when the input was unicode (audio.createSoundFromURL possible crash)
Added audio.stopAllSounds which stops all sounds playing in the current resource
Added audio.countSoundHandles which counts all the active sound handles mostly for debug purposes
Name rage threads even in public release (used to be debug only) - IV
Fix corruption when creating vehicles/peds from script - IV
Remove hack that breaks SocialWebBrowser - IV
Make the game not know if minimised - IV
Allow game to kick if running slow or out of streaming memory - IV
If the game kicks, disconnect from the server - IV
Fix a crash if the game is minimised and DXVK is used - IV
Remove experimental command line /iv-increased-limits - IV
Increase simple memory to 150 MB from 100 MB - IV
Increase filesystem mounts - IV
Increase object pool from 1300 to 8000 for consistency (ZMenu changes it to 8000 anyway) - IV
Increase vehicle pool from 140 to 512 - IV
Increase ped pool from 120 to 256 - IV
Increase other pools to accommodate other limits - IV
Default trainers cvar off - IV
Extra log messages to diagnose potential issues - IV
Check if network game running before using RESURRECT_NETWORK_PLAYER to prevent a crash - IV
Disable rlFriendsReader worker - IV
Disable rlPresence worker - IV
Show game/network memory usage in gamestats - IV
Change text from "Starting session" to "Loading GameMode" when using custommp - IV
Added a coverup in network main that checks if network isn't available and goes back to single player - IV
Fix GetNetworkObjectFromId hook - IV
Update copyright year
Add shortcut to wiki in the help menu and about window
Project has gone through a huge rewrite on all constructors to ensure all variables are properly initialised, removal of redundant code and huge project tidyups
New injected data system that simply injects shared memory through the use of a UUID (So only 16 bytes is allocated in the game at launch) this change may improve the injection step and prevent extra memory usage overall
The run once mutex is no longer created for the crash messages which used to stop the launcher opening
Additional checks throughout the launcher for out of bounds access to prevent possible crashes
Added command line argument /desktopshortcut to create a desktop shortcut
Added command line argument /oldinjectdata to use the old system for injected data (If anyone has issues with the new system)
Added command line argument /userundllforinjection to offload injection to a rundll process (Experimental)
Fixed injected data using types incompatible with 64-bit for a possible 64-bit launcher in the future
Fixed a bunch of logic errors and quirks within the launcher
Installer now offers the option for a desktop shortcut
License screens are now disabled - IV
Some logging that was only offered to testing builds appear in public release - IV
Fixed vehicles not appearing randomly from the server - IV
Added a way to support weapon damage in custommp - IV
Load GTAIV.ShaderFixesCollection.rpf if presesnt from the "Mods" folder of IV to override shaders - IV
Renamed the cvar iv_bulletspread to iv_bullet_spread - IV
Removed some hacks that broke the SocialWebBrowser and UIWebBrowser - IV
Added command line argument /iv-increased-limits to further increase limits (experimental) - IV
Fixed process line of sight scripting mask - GTA3/VC
Allow access to scriptCommand - GTA3/VC
Added script function startNewScript (Experimental) - GTA3/VC/SA
Ignore all compatibility layers properly instead of modifying the registry before/after process start
Fix prompt window text control lacking visual styles
Use rich text 4.1 if available (Better for modern versions of Windows and enables more features)
Fix thread safety of input disabling (random crashes on quit) - IV
Use custom gtaEncoder and gtaEncoder64 if 64-bit - IV
Add command line argument /ivbrowser to enable the gta4Browser.exe - IV
Enable pay and sprays and bomb shops if "SinglePlayer" cvar is used
Use mongoose for server listing to fix freeze for now
Added command line argument /usecurl
Codeflow changes relating to injection
Fix lack of lock/unlock in CRwTexture
Fix lack of lock/unlock in D3D11Texture::Create
Fix lack of lock/unlock in Rml texture generation
Fix lack of unlock if a font fails to load
Fixed a possible memory leak when downloading resources from the server
Memory map texture data to avoid wasting virtual address space as the memory is only needed for a device reset (This can save a significant amount of memory usage within the game)
Memory map scripts and other resources that are needed in memory as the memory is only needed on resource start/restart
Increased console percentage to 80% or more from setting upgrades
Removed mongoose setting as curl is stable
Added some extra anticheat for explosions - IV
Fixed missing language strings
Fixed double clicking a server not connecting in the launcher
Rules box - Double clicking a website url will now open it and added a right click menu
Use curl for all websocket client usage (Opt out added in settings under networking tab). This change will fix the launcher not resolving DNS properly for some users and should support proxies, VPNs and many other configurations.
Cleanup OpenSSL to fix memory leaks on quit
Updated zlib from 1.3 to 1.3.1
Updated libpng from 1.6.40 to 1.6.43
Updated curl from 8.5.0 to 8.9.1
Updated sqlite from 3.44.2 to 3.46.0
Fix EFLC 1120 not being recognised - IV
Only create the ROM window if IV - IV
Fix CryptGenRandom failing for some users on Windows
Update Visual Studio runtime
Fix crash when using iv_forcebettersync cvar - IV
Add some extra debug for sessions - IV
Send R* packets unsequenced - IV
Allow server to override trainer usage - IV
Fix memory leak in Base64Encode of FileIntegrity
Reverted "When marking entities as no longer needed, allow removing excess objects" - IV
Fixed TBoGT freezes
When marking entities as no longer needed, allow removing excess objects - IV
Removed cvar iv_removevehiclecongestions to prevent issues - IV
Revert "Network ID limit raised from 200 to 500" - IV
SMPA60 errors no longer close down the game - IV
Change classic games player info limit to 256 like previously
Fixed ordering of packets issue (removed a bunch of packet channels, was only done in the first place because of huge packet spam which is no longer an issue)
Optimised the logic to find a new syncer not to enumerate all the players
Fix CNetObject::ClearCreatedFor accidentally marking it as created for everyone
Don't override parked car and random car density multipliers for party mode - IV
Inform server of episode when ingame - IV
Updated manifest to enable long path awareness and Windows 8 support
Telemetry thread now quits at startup - IV
Moved the ROM window out of the game and into the GTAC Launcher.exe - This should reduce cpu/memory usage within the game and possible freezes
SpiderMonkey (JavaScript) is initialised when needed rather than at startup now
Fixed disabled tab pages appearing on random windows
Changed the logic when launching the game so that the launcher window is fully deleted (fixing the double game launch glitch)
Instead of waiting for the game to just quit also handle the windows message loop which will avoid the need for separate threads (this also prevents a message queue build up while the game is running)
Initialise all member variables within the launcher to avoid issues and for better security
Opt out of the GdiPlus background thread
Fix the launcher hanging in the background sometimes (Post a thread message when closing a window to wake up the thread)
Resource downloading now verifies the SSL (if SSL is used)
All executables are now large address aware which means on 64-bit systems 4 GB of memory can be used by GTAC
Fixed EFLC standalone not being treated as IV - IV
Hack tidy ups and not enabling unrequired hacks - IV
Don't boost any network limit or pool/heap for now - IV
Commented telemetry hacks until looked into more (trying to stop instability) - IV
Console option has moved into the "Advanced" tab in "Launcher Settings" and applies to all games
Don't mess with weapon of a ped if the ped is in the vehicle - GTA3/VC/SA
Fixed an issue where GTAC wouldn't start if unicode characters was in the path - IV
Fixed potential crashes when loading xml files
Fixed a crash when loading corrupted history/favourite servers
Internal testing mods:/ is no longer mounted - IV
Reverted cvar iv_limitdeadpeds for now - IV
Fixed freezes on the initial blackscreen that happen if failing to join a game - IV
Fixed the broken typing indicator when using the GTAC chatbox - IV
Fixed wrong argument for NetworkSetLocalPlayerIsTyping native - IV
Don't increase network object limit (we don't need it right now) - IV
Don't increase network dummy ped limit (we don't need it right now) - IV
Stop the enumerate content thread once no longer needed to save some cpu - IV
Don't mount fiDeviceLocal to update:/ (Default filesystem mounted twice) - IV
Don't mount update folder to update:/ - IV
Added functions to get/set various script globals - IV
Verify game executable when browsing in the launcher
Acknowledge the newest Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition version
Updated curl from 8.4.0 to 8.5.0
Updated libressl from 2.7.0 to 2.7.5
Updated RmlUi from 4.4 to 5.1
Updated sqlite from 3.43.1 to 3.44.2
Updated bass from to
Update all copyright years
Fixed an issue where players wasn't included in functions such as getPeds - IV
Default more cvars to vanilla values such as iv_randomcops now defaults off - IV
Added cvars for various delete routines iv_limitdeadpeds, iv_popcyclevehiclecleanup, iv_removevehiclecongestions, iv_popcycledummypedcleanup, iv_popcyclepedcleanup, iv_makeroomforreservedobjects and iv_removeexcessobjects - IV
Added cvar iv_vanilla to override most cvars to use vanilla behaviour - IV
Added cvar iv_forcebettersync which now defaults off (It would force the game to send full sync which could congest the network) - IV
Don't delete dead peds if more than 2 exist for more than 10 seconds (there is already code that limits dead peds in place) - IV
Don't remove excess objects when marking entities as no longer needed - IV
Don't make room for reserved objects - IV
Added command line arguments /skip-menu /tlad and /tbogt to skip the main menu - IV
Reverted "Allow the game to remove excess objects" - IV
Stop party mode keeping certain vehicles loaded forever - IV
Enable cops and emergency services in party mode - IV
Don't reduce the ped/vehicle population in party mode - IV
Allow deletion of networked dummy peds (fixes a broken check) - IV
Delete dummy peds not in the current network group - IV
Fix broken createPed script function - IV
Information added to loading screen to indicate what is going on - IV
Fixed a bug where the default filesystem was mounted again - IV
Fixed a bug where the gtac sco script ended and could cause crashes - IV
Commented some population increasing hacks, removing the cvars such as iv_increasedpeds and iv_increasedvehicles for now - IV
Allow the game to remove excess objects (if a sync error happens, it'll delete a random car/ped or try to pass it on to another player) - IV
Fixed a bug in the server listing where some servers may not show information
Ground snow compatible with all versions of ZMenuIV - IV
Fix rml debugger showing up if either shift or ctrl and I was pressed
limitedmenu cvar removed due to exploits - IV
Custom shaders packed into rpf - IV
Fixed a crash when attempting to call unimplemented snow.addFlakes - IV
Only spawn client object if vehicle is using ARGB colours - III
Reset confetti in CSnow::Initialise
Add groundSnow.defaultExclusions
Compatible asi files such as ZMenuIV.asi or dxvk.dll can be placed in either scripts, plugins or update folder with the game
Visual C++ runtime no longer required
Ground snow added - IV
Rml enabled and scripting functions being worked on
Fixed secure random sometimes failing
Stability fixes for litehtml handling (Several crash fixes)
Cleanup OpenSSL when background threads to avoid memory leaks
Fixed a buffer overrun in a util function RemoveQuotes
Increased buffer size for font stacks
Fix invalid arguments to DuplicateHandle when injecting the init signal
Added hook to disable camera rotation - SA
Fix inconsistency with focus/killfocus
Include define GAME_GTA_IV_EFLC that wraps to GAME_GTA_IV for compatibility
Improved compatibility with WINE
Fixed an "auto configuration" error that happened if an invalid C:\etc\ssl\openssl.cnf or /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf exists (This issue also broke some WINE users)
Removed remnants of NetCarGenerator
Updated curl from 8.3.0 to 8.4.0
Updated litehtml to a newer build
Renamed iv_increasedpeds to iv_limitdeadpeds and it now defaults off (Enable it to limit dead peds so no more than 2 can exist, otherwise the limit is 7) - IV
Don't delete dead mission peds in IV/TLAD (TBoGT didn't do this) - IV
iv_increasedvehicles no longer adjusts blown up car deletion logic - IV
More cvars are now respected when using custom mp - IV
Added back cvar iv_allowtrains (It only adds the ability to use train generation, it won't sync properly) - IV
Fixed an issue in C2D::DrawRectangle where the on-screen check did not respect m_fRotation, m_vecCentre or m_vecScale
Added command line /no-plugins to disable all plugins such as ZMenu
Fixed /remove-render-thread accidentally defaulting on
Reenable dummy ped system - IV
Boost network dummy ped limit to match pool limit - IV
Remove option to disable render thread (it is now a command line argument for debugging reasons) - IV
Fixes to the custom GTAC sync including cvar restriction on population - IV
Made the Material used in LucasGUI's CText::RenderGlyphLayer cached for the lifetime of the CGlyphLayer (Performance boost)
Reenabled "Don't remove excess objects" hack for now - IV
Disabled network event pool boost for now (Needs work) - IV
Disabled disable license screen hacks for now - IV
Inform the game when the network connection is down - IV
EFLC is now treated as the same game as IV
Network IDs reset when the last element is deleted
Network IDs try to stay in the range of a short
Network code changes
Network ID limit raised from 200 to 500 - IV
DEP/DPI hacks are now always active
Initial screens are now disabled - IV
Increased total allowance of network objects (peds, cars etc.) - IV
Removed the hack that disabled excess object deletion (above hack stops it deleting random peds) - IV
Removed a lot of old/legacy code (Mostly SA related)
Removed ability to get the "gameVersion" (Enum changed randomly and wasn't consistent)
Stop enumerating the element list every time an entity is processed (Speeds up framerate)
Delete cars/peds properly so that it syncs the deletion - IV
Fixed a bug where favourites/history items couldn't be deleted
Fixed response not being cached from server listing (Causes Visit Website to be disabled)
Fixed some crashes relating to player clothes - IV
Fixed a crash if a player that is Niko gets deleted or changes model - IV
Hack tidy up - IV
Optimised snow in GTA3 so instead of enumerating the pools it actually scans for entities
Fixed a mistake in network event hook that caused stack corruption - IV
Removed support for LaunchGTAIV.exe, please use GTAIV.exe directly - IV
Added gta.enablePopulation and gta.enableWanted script functions - IV
NetVehicle limit boosted (count check) - IV
Possibly fixed frozen cars if GTAC spawns the car from script - IV
Train crash fix enabled - IV
Free reference to resource when destroyElement is called rather than wait for a garbage collection cycle (Frees memory quicker, and improves overall performance when dealing with a large amount of elements)
Zombies are now properly unlocked - IV
Removed the option "Enable Complete Edition radio" as it now automatically detects - IV
commandline.txt is always loaded even if arguments are given - IV
Fixed a logic issue with CGTAUtil::LoadPedModel involving special skins
Added command line argument /no-increased-limits to disable limit boosting for special testing (will break multiplayer)
Enabled patch 6 support with IV (although the built in multiplayer may not be compatible between patches, experimental)
Fixed a crash if no source was given to triggerEvent, now optional
Fixed a crash when using bytes within JavaScript
Removed any hacks related to making IV network objects unlimited (raise pool limits instead)
Added script event OnAddIVNetworkEvent - IV
Increase IV game memory and network memory to accommodate pool increases
Remove machines debug info
Enable network object debug info - IV
All network object limits set to 256 - IV
CAtdNodeNetworkObject pool increased from 299 to 4096 - IV
NetBlender pool increased from 299 to 1024 - IV
NetCloneTask pool increased to accommodate increased ped limit - IV
SyncData pools increased to accommodate increased limits - IV
NetworkEvent pool increased from 100 to 200 - IV
AtdNodeNetworkEvent pool increased from 100 to 200 - IV
Fixed a crash when using the /reenter command - IV
Fixed a crash introduced in previous build - IV
PtrNode pool increased from 30000/50000/70000 to 100000 - GTA3/VC/SA
EntryInfoNode pool increased from 5400/3200/500 to 32000 - GTA3/VC/SA
Unlimited PtrNode hacks removed in favour of a pool for performance reasons - GTA3/VC/SA
Fixed a remote crash exploit people used in large lobbies (anim group out of range) - IV
Reduced dummy ped usage - IV
Restored cvars iv_increasedpeds and iv_increasedvehicles - IV
Ped pool increased from 120 to 256 - IV
Vehicle pool increased from 140 to 256 - IV
Object pool increased from 1300 to 8000 - IV
Network ped limit increased from 53 to 108 - IV
Network vehicle limit increased from 80 to 130 - IV
Filesystem mounts increased from 64 to 256 - IV
Matrix pool increased from 7000 to 30000 - IV
Event pool increased from 300 to 1000 - IV
CAtdNodeFrameAddress pool increased from 21000 to 30000 - IV
CAnimBlender pool increased from 300 to 600 - IV
CAtdNodeAnimPlayer pool increased from 1500 to 3000 - IV
CAtdNodeAnimChangePooledObject pool increased from 3000 to 6000 - IV
crFrameFilterBoneMask pool increased from 1800 to 3000 - IV
crFrameFilterBoneAnalogue pool increased from 1500 to 3000 - IV
crExpressionProcessor pool increased from 1500 to 3000 - IV
crmtObserver pool increased from 1500 to 3000 - IV
phInstGta pool increased from 4760 to 8000 - IV
fragInstGta pool increased from 1004 to 8000 - IV
PtrNode pool increased from 80000 to 100000 - IV
PtrNode Double pool increased from 16000 to 32000 - IV
EntryInfoNode pool increased from 16000 to 32000 - IV
Various other pools and arrays boosted to accommodate the ped/vehicle increase - IV
Optimised bundled update.rpf (Thanks BDawg) - IV
Fixed a crash if a networked ped was in a local vehicle - IV
Fixed a crash if a ped contained no tasks - IV
Removed old and unused hacks
Merged some hacks together to tidy up the codebase
All multiplayer clothing is now unlocked - IV
Zombies are now unlocked - IV
Fixed a missing address for GTA3 US 1.0
Launcher window is now destroyed while the game is open
Launcher shouldn't hang in the background anymore
Added extra gap for the players column for Windows 2000/XP
Start of custom content (unfinished) - IV
Fixed launcher broken on old systems
Fixed a crash when installing the protocol if launcher was in a long path (most notably on Windows XP)
Removed support for old "Mods" tab from the server listing window
Refactored the server listing logic to prevent issues with the "Official" tab
Fixed sorting servers by player count so unknown counts are last
By default the launcher now sorts the listing by player count
Historic servers now limited to 10
Updated curl from 8.2.1 to 8.3.0
Updated SDL from 2.0.16 to 2.28.4
Updated freetype from 2.13.1 to 2.13.2
Updated SQLite from 3.35.0 to 3.43.1
Fixed an issue where stack allocation would result in heap allocation and leak
Fixed a crash with InPoly
Fixed an issue where the dll directory wasn't set (This would prevent conflicts with dlls in the system folders)
Fixed the copyright in the about window
Launcher now stays running ready for communication to/from the mod
Additional module validation
Updated curl from 7.86.0 to 8.2.1
Updated libressl from 2.6.5 to 2.7.0
Updated zlib from 1.2.11 to 1.3
Updated libpng from 1.6.37 to 1.6.40
Updated freetype from 2.10.4 to 2.13.1
Properly use weak pointers within SpiderMonkey as the memory moves around (Fixes a lot of crashes!)
Updated curl from 7.75.0 to 7.86.0
Updated libressl from 2.6.4 to 2.6.5
Updated squirrel from 3.1 to 3.2
Added option to allow multiple instances
Fixed init issue for games with a launcher
Removed LaunchGTAIV from the list of executables
Added ref property to Entity (RW games)
Removed GTAPACKET_PLAYERCONTROLS to save bandwidth - it didn't serve any purpose from any tests or make controls arrive any quicker
Improved checks in the JavaScript code to prevent weird crashes
Removed OnPedBusted event - it was only in VC and may not happen during multiplayer (player needs to be checked for busted state in process)
Removed some pointless hooks that stopped the game updating ped rotation (let it rotate on it's own between sync)
Fixed various crashes, race conditions and added null checks to crash at earlier points to help with debugging race conditions
Added extra null checks in places a lot of GTA IV crashes seemingly came from
Moved classic natives to the "natives" namespace for a consistent experience
Fixed a use after free when enumerating files
Added safety checks around matrix operations to avoid out of bounds memory access
Fixed CStringBuffer::Copy buffer overrun
Initialised a lot more member values for safety
Fixed corruption in CMipLevel::LoadBMP
Fixed C2D::Flush not null checking the m_p2DMaterial
Added null checks around GetModuleHandle calls to satisfy Visual Studio
Fixed crash when loading images fails from script functions
Fixed a lobby loop because of the new sync - IV
Swap player slot correctly - IV
Use RESURRECT_NETWORK_PLAYER native to respawn players rather than weird code - IV
Fix a crash in AssignNetCloneTask - IV
Fix a logic issue with NETWORK_HOST_GAME_GTAC - IV
Allow Alt+F4 to work when the chatbox is open - IV
Player sync for GTAC sync - IV
Support for anticheat disconnection reason
Fixed trains being enabled when they shouldn't (fixes a freeze) - IV
Anticheat logic only activates if network session - IV
Removed unused debug mode option in the launcher
Added ENet license to launcher
Fix crashes in CHtmlView - litehtml
Fix the .text property for GUIText
Fixed issues with CreateSwapChain/DestroySwapChain when using a proxy Direct3D device
Fixed some mistakes in scissor tests
AlwaysExistsForSyncer is now reset on syncer change if transient to allow deletion
Some insane logging removed
Deprecated debugMode property in scripting (It was never set)
Add support for pickup type in natives - IV
Added a null check for peers when searching for a valid host - IV
Cursor is now disabled and script controls reenabled when game ends
Fixed an invalid cast to a CClientPed when it should be CClientVehicle in GTA3 when adding to the world
m_ucCreatedBy member value is now initialised - IV
Fixed ped seat calculation for sync - IV
Fixed custom text - IV
Fixed window issues (Unicode vs ANSI)
Fixed a bunch of player issues including model changes - IV
Fixed player info array extending breaking the multiplayer money - IV
Use RegisterNetworkObject and UnregisterNetworkObject for GTAC elements - IV
Extend the player info array properly - IV
Simplification of supported ASIs
SCO support moved to generic code - IV
Anticheat fixes - IV
Fix leaks in DRM logic - IV
Most if not all network sessions think it's party mode to enable more features - IV
Removed a lot of unused or dead code
gta3.ini is no longer loaded
Freebies are now disabled properly - III/VC
Money drops are all disabled - III/VC
Garages are now reset properly (Fixes pay and spray issues) - III/VC
Roadblocks are now disabled always - III/VC
SetPieces are now disabled always - VC
DRM hacks now use way less CPU - IV
CJ will no longer feel like drinking - SA
More than 8 players should no longer crash the game - SA
Entities teleporting now updates the entry info node - IV
Hack memory reduced a lot
GTAC installer now includes the Visual Studio 2005 redistributable to fix the side by side configuration error
GTAC installer now includes DirectX redistributable to avoid common errors
DLCConfirm patched out to prevent needless connection to the internet - IV
Scripting crash fixes
Added fileExists to scripting
Added networked flag to NetObject
OnElementStreamIn/OnElementStreamOut are now bindable
Updated copyright
Peer2peer deletion now attempts to migrate entities
Fix some SpiderMonkey issues
Script events can always prevent default now
Added some warning outputs relating to events
NetDelay reduced from 10 ms to 5 ms
Added some crash fixes for malformed packet handling
Fixed a crash if the port is already in use
Packets are now sent/received on the network thread
Added getScreenFromWorldPosition - IV
Bomb da base can be played with one player - IV
DXVK is loaded if dxvk.dll exists in the game folder (d3d9 version)
Bulletspread hacks fixed - IV
Removed old matchmaking logic and replaced with original logic
Removed a lot of old or dead code
Improved support for GTAC multiplayer - IV
Fixed a memory leak when connecting to a server
Removed unfinished cargenerator element
Fixed the reconnect bug
Collect garbage happens when starting/restarting a resource now
Added some missing null checks in the launcher related to code signing
Game settings no longer uses tabs
Removed debugging options that can cause confusion
Start of custom IV multiplayer
Updated NSIS
Removed useless builtin help command
Disabled unoccupied vehicle sync for now to save bandwidth
Added back some population control hacks as requested
Fixed a crash if OnlySyncIfDetached is used locally
Modified languages
Scripting changes
Bug fixes
Remove network thread
Remove some launcher options for game consistency
Remove unused launcher options
Force network objects priority to 0
Networking is now managed on the main thread removing delays from locks
Improved anticheat logic - IV
Forgot to sign the previous build
Reverted enhancements to GTA IV, bringing sync back to vanilla
Sortable columns in launcher
Improved element streaming
Fixed server setting a player's position
Fixed trains in SA being spawned as the wrong type
Failed network event args now show which event it was for
Vehicle weapon rotations can now be set on all RW games
Attached elements don't sync themselves anymore. Synced by parent element
Chatbox no longer fades by default
Added client version defines to IV
Always show reason for disconnecting from a server
Fixed melee stance sync being held for too long in VC
Server bind IP can now be overridden with command arg
Lots of scripting changes (See
Removed workarounds added ages ago that impact the population
Use MP limits in MP rather than the SP limits for population to try to prevent lag
Added ped component functions to older games
Fixed usage of InetPton
Default remove memory restrictions off until TLS is considered
Use native socket apis if available (Vista or newer)
Remove references to the Transformable class (merged into the base class)
OnElementStreamIn will always have a client passed to it
OnElementStreamOut event added
Don't use so much stack memory - malloc it instead
Update third party libraries including bass
Fixed issue with gamemode 30
Fixed a logic flaw where sync was sent even if there was nothing to sync
Fixed a logic flaw where the Console NetMachine was sent to clients
Fixed an issue with error reporting when lexing files
Fixed NetThread logic
Fixed possible heap corruption in packets
Fixed a crash when creating a shortcut on Vista
NetEvents are handled better so important events aren't lost
Removed ownership transfer logic to prevent exploitation
Removed a bunch of unused code
Added a toggle for assertions
Removed IV memory restrictions
Increased max netobjects to 16384
Added ability to prevent networked objects - IV
Dont't touch any single player logic - IV
Added scripting functions
Less memory allocations throughout avoiding constant memory fragmentation
Support for borderless/centred options (configurable via registry for now)
Added dummy peds to the gamestats
Fix random deletions of peds/traffic - IV
Fix long usernames problem - IV
Send the IV packets less reliably to cause less congestion - IV
Run networking on a background thread to avoid possible timeouts or lags
Removed some unrequired hacks
Fixed a crash with the command window if too many characters are typed
Fixed some corruption in games other than SA
Fixed Windows XP support
Relaxed ini/language parsing
Less stack memory usage when parsing files
Fix disconnection logic in the server browser
Improved game start procedure
Removed old/unused launcher code
Removed several old asserts
Debug mode option in launcher settings rather than command line option
Launcher now frees unneeded resources while the game is running
Most of GTAC now static links the Visual C++ runtime (aside from SpiderMonkey requring the Visual C++ 2015 runtime installed)
IV - Fix last error logic (use WSAGetLastError instead of a custom implementation)
Fixes SRCP10 error in TBoGT
Removes some useless GTAC natives
Removed benchmark fix toggle
Rewrite of low level networking (RakNet is now removed from the project)
Lots of optimisations tweaks and fixes all throughout
VC - Fist punch bug - hold down left click and other player sees punching every 2 seconds, where local player only sees 1 punch in total.
VC - Attack styles for first 2 weapon slots. First slot fist/knuckle-duster. Second slot melee weapons. E.g. Left punch, right punch, right kick, katana has 3.
VC - Defense styles. E.g. Fall to floor, etc.
VC - Projectiles. The bug before was players would see other players drop the projectile right by themself, instead of throwing it the specified distance.
VC - Fixed vehicles exploding on connect, if they are actually blown up.
VC - Fixed crash with entering a vehicle with a sub machine gun, e.g. Tec-9.
VC - Fixed seat-change bug when entering a vehicle. (Enter via driver key then press passenger key whilst actually getting in/on, or passenger key then driver key)
VC - Car turret rotation sync. Both LR + UD.
VC - Vehicle damage sync. Panels, Doors, Wheels.
VC - Reverse key sync when in vehicle. E.g. On a bike, reversing.
SA - Added look-behind sync.
SA - Fixed sliding to the vehicle when entering, then teleporting in.
SA - Fixed teleporting out of a vehicle
SA - Fixed walking (ALT + move) sometimes not syncing for remote players
SA - Crouch/roll sync
SA - Gun aim position sync
SA - Projectiles (grenades, molotov, etc) sync
SA - Vehicle/bike reverse sync
SA - Vehicle horn sync
RW - Added ped animations to scripting
Allow access to seterrorhandler, setdebughook, enabledebuginfo, getstackinfos and resurrectunreachable in Squirrel
Debug information is enabled by default - Squirrel
Fixed various crashes that was caused by increased player logic
Check the pause menu is open before allowing camera movement
Fixed some network corruption issues if ID_TIMESTAMP was sent
New blending for improved sync
Update freetype from 2.10.1 to 2.10.4
Update enet from 1.3.16 to 1.3.17
Update mongoose from 6.17 to 6.18
Update bass from to
Update curl from 7.70.0 to 7.75.0
Update lua from 5.3.5 to 5.3.6
Update sqlite from 3.31.1 to 3.35.0
Update ogg from 1.3.3 to 1.3.4
Update vorbis from 1.3.6 to 1.3.7
Fixed an SCRT70 error that could occur during multiplayer - IV
Fixed an inconsistency where graphics namespace didn't exist - IV
Increased ped limits - IV
Commented old attempts to stop peds disappering as they caused issues - IV
Fixed some issues that seemingly caused peds and cars to disappear more frequently than the original version - IV
Fixes for SP coop - IV
Added audio.createSoundFromURL for internet radio
Unlock 6 star wanted levels - SA
Unlock all cities - SA
Remove player element auto timeout
Move sync logic to C++ rather than scm/sco
Removed GTAC hostmigration leftovers
Fixed random freezes
Increased NetObject limit to 8192
Removed some pointless hacks - IV
Fixed issue where gamemodes were broken - IV
Fixed DirectInput problems if game wasn't focused
Added getConsole to get the console and getClients no longer includes it
If getting the ping of the console 0 is returned instead of a crash
Curl objects are not created until needed anymore
Multithreaded networking is opted out always until further testing
Fixed console window issues
Fixed a bunch of multi-threading issues
Understand more game builds and report errors accordingly
DLCSupport will not touch the EFLC executables at all now
Detect the Securom launcher rather than assuming its started with it
Improve the SetWindowsHook fix - IV
DLC added via xlive method and is automatically detected
Removed option for some mods as it confuses some people
Removed some old debug code that could have caused issues
Liveries are synced using 8 bits instead of 3
"The game terminated" message is more informative now
DNS/Html cache is kept in the temp folder
Removed telemetry hacks as it was disabled by other means
Removed a DLC hack that caused problems
Session improvements - IV
Disconnect players if they leave - IV
Return a proper open NAT - IV
Return a valid online address - IV
Fix some mistakes in XLive functions - IV
Fixed a lot of rendering lag - IV
Added a remove render thread option - IV
Use summons properly - IV
Hacks folder is now gone
Fixed the crash on startup if dinput8.dll was present in the game folder
Removed a dependency on the DirectX Runtime
Main menu is only skipped if connecting
Fixed an issue when connecting where the scm/sco script player was invalid
Fixed an issue if story mode was enabled or if a cutscene was playing where the player wouldn't spawn (The world was frozen)
Shader support isn't required anymore (Fixed function is used as a fallback)
Removed an assertion message if freeing null (It's part of the standard anyway)
Removed DirectX Runtime from the installer as it's no longer needed
Added DirectInput hook (To fix mouse issues)
Added support for mouse cursor - IV
Fixed wrong mask on loadTXD scripting function
Send any broadcast packets unreliably
Fixed auto connection not accepting the password - IV
Better detection of when ingame - IV
Adjustments to script blocking - IV
Chatbox now fades out
Added a story mode option
Initially placed in an unconnected state for now - IV
Added better logging to aid with bad network event arguments
DirectX isn't initialised within the launcher until required
Fixed corruption issues regarding TLAD/TBoGT
Fixed an issue where hacks didn't unprotect properly
Unprotect game code around plugins
Block out incompatible mods
Adds support for custom match
Use built in game summons and invites instead of tricking NETWORK_FIND_GAME
Implemented xlive qos
Fixed a bug where packets were longer than they should be
Fixes a scripting bug
Disable unsupported/unfinished tabs within the launcher to avoid confusion
Log files now have a timestamp and module name
Duplicate history items are removed
Network logging is more verbose
Game version wasn't unicode
Fix some disconnection problems introduced in last update
Removed some unneeded hooks and replaced them with more generic methods - IV
Removed some useless debug code - IV
Removed some debug options
Removed blocks on SP scripts
Allow scenarios to play out in multiplayer (except when playing Hangman's NOOSE)
Updated root certificates from 20th September 2017 to December 8th 2020
Refactored networking code to be multithreaded and faster than ever
GTA IV built in chat now supports executing GTAC command handlers
New less instrusive native hook - IV
Fix a random freeze because of piracy checks - IV
Fixed issues where the updater may show warnings
HtmlView now renders it's children
The mod shouldn't be detected as a virus anymore by common antiviruses
Support for HTTP url server option
Removed IPv6 support for now as RakNet has broken support
Improvements to IV sync
Fixes a crash on gamemode switch in all games (Reported by BDawg)
Enable chat window when game ends
Launcher now checks name is valid before launching the game
Disabled server query refresh for now
Fixed broken sync from last update
Fixed broken packet sending from last update
Prevented GTA despawning cars randomly - IV
Prevented GTA despawning peds randomly - IV
Random cops always enabled as theres a native to toggle it - IV
NetID changes
Fix a crash when SilentPatch is used with GTA3/VC
Incompatible mods will no longer load
Crashes are logged before attempting to save a crash dump
Existing console is used if present on launcher start
Mitigated an invalid handle error relating to SetConsoleTitle (Seemed to happen on Windows XP)
Don't open log file if we are the securom launcher - IV
Added extra command line arguments to aid with debugging
Removed xlive and ATL dependency - IV
Better compatibility with single player cooperative player (By Zolika) - IV
Added debug options - IV
Fixed host issues - IV
Send packets unreliably - IV
Fixed train deletion hook not to corrupt registers - IV
Fixed being stuck in lobby mode on custom gamemodes - IV
Added some more script functions - IV
Removed attempted crash prevention that caused freezing
Removed XLive packet logging
Removed the assert in IV game errors
Reduced file size of the GTAC.tar file
Added more GTAC custom IV natives
Fixes some crashes if the multiplayer is in a bad state
Fixed a memory leak when opening a URL in HtmlView
Fixed an issue where newly joined machines were not marked as connected
Players are stored weakly so when destroyed it will be nulled
The console machine isn't included in player counts such as Discord Rich Presence
Fixed crashes that could happen when reloading the game with players that stay connected
Added back support to LucasGUI for the size grip
Fixed an issue in the D3D9 renderer where the diffuse colour was ignored
Added saveTextFile to match loadTextFile
Protocols (E.g. http) are considered case insensitive in internet requests
Internet requests are cached into the Caches.db database and cache is removed as needed
HtmlView now waits until css is loaded before showing the document or times out
Fixed an issue where the history copied the favourites
Launcher supports hardware accelerated windows
Added rules/players list to the launcher window
Added server query to the launcher to obtain updated server information
Ensure any time a url is opened it is a url
Fixed various exit crashes - IV
Null session pointer in XSessionDelete - IV
Support for reloading the game and remaining connected to machines - IV
Fixed some memory overflows
Improved performance for text drawing
Client.administrator and Client.console are now synced up when changed by the server
Fixes a bug where vehicles added to the world multiple times can spawn repeatedly
Fixes an issue where GUI elements stay behind on resource stops
Added bug fixes and debug tabs to game settings
Combined hacks are now checked if they are exported
Fixed a white screen when launching IV
Split up hacks to experiment with installations of IV (Steam vs retail)
Added iv_skiplobby cvar for IV
Fixed episode scanning logic so it supports Complete Edition and retail layouts
Fixed an issue where some paths caused a directory creation error
Added full UTF-8 and UTF-16 support, this is a big overhaul to the project
Less memory fragmentation and allocations because of UTF-16 usage
Fixed an issue on Windows XP / 2000 where menu items didn't appear grayed
Fixed some potential threadding issues with IV
Fixed an assert that happens if DEP can't be forced because it's already enabled
Fixed a heap corruption issue with IV related to Integrity 2.0
Fixed an issue where the Yardie Lobo was a tank instead of having hydralics - GTA3
Time scale isn't changed when in multiplayer to prevent sync issues
The game is no longer paused if the pause menu is open - GTA3
Fixed memory leaks from misusing curl
Most internals tidied up and random issues fixed
IV overhaul and support (beta)
Added setting to launcher for if direct connections are allowed
Updated asmjit from 1.0.0 to 1.2.0
Updated mongoose from 6.14 to 6.17
Updated curl from 7.64.1 to 7.70.0
Updated freetype from 2.10.0 to 2.10.1
Updated sqlite from 3.26.0 to 3.31.1
Fixed an issue in http requests if callback didn't return anything
Fixed an issue where all requests were posted if a blank string is passed for post fields
Added support for returning dictionaries to squirrel
Relay packet support (if peer2peer isn't available or disabled)
XML searching is now case insensitive
Fixed chatbox scale for IV
Fixed some issues starting IV
Fixed some entity sync issues in IV
Improved and updated injection logic
Fixed an issue where 1.1.48 broke every syncmethod other than peer2peer
Fixed a crash when handing improper vectors to scripting functions
Updated Visual Studio to fix "VS2017 C++ sometimes set wrong exception frame"
Fixed regressions in pickups from previous version
New pickup variables now support III and SA
Allow stdin stdout and stderr in both lua/squirrel
Removed squirrel functions from the global table that aren't copied into resource environments as is
Fixed a crash that could result from assigning to an IDictionary (Forgot to AddRef)
Allow enumeration of dictionaries in javascript (Allows JSON.stringify to work with dictionaries)
DEP is enabled for added security against buffer overruns
Don't increase the ColStore pool in VC - it wasn't needed
Fixed some broken addresses and broken functions
Fixed "Sync Animations" broken for GTA3
Added OnPickupCollected event - VC
Fixed crash when setting minute duration to 0
Changed gta.createPickup. Now matches server args order
Added ped.maxHealth to VC/SA
Added ped.contactEntity to III/VC
Added ped.contactEntityOffset to VC/SA
Added ped.walkTo, ped.runTo, and ped.sprintTo to SA
Added ped.bleeding to III/VC/SA
Added global isServer variable
Added pickup.quantity to VC
Added pickup.pickupType to VC
Added setWeaponPickupPrice to VC
Added getWeaponPickupPrice to VC
Removed lua functions from the global table that aren't copied into resource environments as is
Language selector in launcher settings
Made PtrNode / EntryInfoNode unlimited reducing crashes with loads of entities
Made ColModel unlimited in VC fixing crashes with loads of peds
CVars reset on /disconnect now
Fix SA crashing on restart/connect
When restarting game, do extra logic for SA (fixes issues if you placed a marker on map and connected)
Make water level infinite in VC (Fixes crashes when placing certain entites off world bounds or when falling)
Increased ColStore pool for now in VC (Fixes crashes on quit, will look into why later)
Fixed a bunch of 'use after free' issues with PtrNode in GTA3/VC
Way less memory is used at the cost of a few more CPU cycles (May add option for this in future)
Added a way to disable F11 map in servers
Animation sync is a setting because of the crashes (defaults off)
Chat scale defaults to 0.7 (use /chatscale on it's own to disable custom scaling)
Improve startup speed (Only loading common fonts)
When ending a game the image cache is cleared (To stop a crash on quit deleting RwTextures)
Check if ped anim is valid before applying it (To fix a widely hated BlendAnimation crash; Also requires server 1.1.21)
Dumpdoc and chatscale commands work when connected (To dumpdoc the server type it in the server console)
Added resource.isReady (Checks if all files are downloaded)
Windows emoji is now prefered where possible and falls back to Google Noto
New languages included
Fixed a crash when deleting elements
Fixed threadding issues regarding downloads
Merged CrashReporter into Launcher
Crash dumps now contain all global memory of GTA
Fixed a potential issue when resizing packets
Fixed a crash when spawning/despawning a player if clients are not received
Fixed a crash when cancelling a download (race condition)
Fixed an issue where mixing the usage of squirrel/lua would cause a leak and possible corruption
Improved memory usage with lua/squirrel
Vehicles can now be constructed
Fixed an issue with the dimension was set to the old one
Fixed a crash in triggerEvent
Raise errors if bindEventHandler or triggerEvent fails
When an element is marked as dity, children are also (Fixes attached blips)
Mitigated a crash in the squirrel/lua finaliser
Fixed an issue where memory was freed too late
Lua and squirrel optimisations
Improved WINE support
Fixed some bad grammer in error messages (most notably network events)
Fixed a corruption issue in disconnect function
Started adding GUIDs to represent connected players in P2P (Requires server update)
LowLevelProcessHook removed and replaced with less scary hacks
Removed createElement function (It only existed as a workaround before)
Added /peddebug to debug ped tasks
Fixed issue where starting a new game is slow (GTA3/VC)
Updated SDL from 2.0.9 to 2.0.10
Fixed issues where the doug lea heap was used after it was freed
Fixed a security issue with file apis
Fixed gui.cursorPosition not working
Fixed 45C17E crash (camera on targetting deleted entity)
Fixed crash on quit if GUI elements existed
Fixed issue with dragging LucasGUI elements
Fixed a potential crash on command handlers without arguments
Fixed issues launching games with launchers
Fixed a slowdown where launcher could take more than a second to start (calculating the hash of the file in GetModifiedDate by mistake)
Frame limiter is no longer forced enabled on startup
Fix issues with cutscenes (GTA3)
Desktop shortcut option added to launcher
Discord ask to join
Added inPoly script function
Added fpscounter command
Removed snow in the subway (GTA3)
Removed snow in the underground amco carpark and the posh shop (GTA3)
Optimised the snow logic
Fixed an uninitialised variable in ScriptFunction
Fixed removeWorldObject and setIslands functions
Improved pickup management
Game script execution improvements
Fixed a crash when creating a pickup if outside of a processing running script
Concurrent running script support
CVar's are used for game related options
Removed broken socket script functions (for now)
Support for masterlist rejection
Added VC civilian sync
Chatscale command persists
Improved support for 144 Hz monitors
Combined hacks into single file
Changed/added scripting functions
Improved vehicle sync for gta3/vc
Removed a bunch of old debug messages
Players now drop their weapons on death
d3dx9_43.dll is now optional
Wanted helicopters removed
Sync vehicle doors state and siren
Peer2Peer system improvements (getting more ready for public usage!)
Fixes a possible crash on startup relating to fonts
Fixed the included full set of Open Sans
Changed chatbox to use a regular font rather than light
Improved dropshadow for higher resolutions
Fixes an issue with JavaScript that could result in 'out of memory'
Includes full set of Open Sans
Various packet optimisations
Fixed issue in focus logic where input was always gained
Fixed an issue where ending a game could result in a visible cursor
Check if the player is the driver before processing engine sounds
Allow pause menu to open if fading
Allow keyboard input on pause menu if disabled by GTAC
Added mainmenu command
Launcher uses binary path for modules rather than working directory
Fixed a crash on quit if connecting but not connected
Password box on launcher if server is locked
Game settings including game path moved into a new game settings window, the settings can be changed per game now
Fixed potential memory leaks for thread local storage (main thread only)
Connect to the selected server on the Launch button and enter key
Favourites, official and LAN server tabs added to the launcher
Added URL protocol. gtac://connect/ip:port/gta:iii (or any game identifier)
Don't set health of blown up cars (prevents multiple explosions)
Disabled knockdown on shotguns for now. Will add sync for it in the future.
Improved discord rich presence
Repairing a dodo doesn't give it an extra wheel anymore
All system fonts are loaded
Current user fonts possibly from Microsoft Store are supported (Windows 10 1809 or newer required)
Font families and styles are now case insensitive
Fixed an issue where the RC Bandit crashed the game
Added a way to enumerate the fonts
Replaced diagnostics with log files
Fixed the assertion failed in CFont::LoadColourTable
Don't create directories until needed
Better compatibility for directory creation
Prevent wanted level from getting in a newly spawned car (VC)
Fixed broken ped animations (VC)
Fixed resources being unloaded if connection failed
Full support for SA special skins
Added built in nametags support
DPI awareness is now optional
Fixed issues with with some hacks
Disabled wanted level from shooting a cop car
Disabled the "killer look"
Fixed a time glitch that caused minor issues in the game (most notable is the vigilante exploit where you pause the game to confuse the AI so the criminal gets out the vehicle as they think the vehicle has been stopped for a while)
Chatbox should now scale properly according to the resolution
Resolution can be changed using the pause menu ingame (but won't take effect until a restart)
If the cursor is already enabled, input focus is restored on focus rather than on click
Dimension is now synced to the client
Keybinds work serverside
Removed support for GalacticC
Scripting functions moved into a gta namespace
Disabled mission cleanup for the initial part of SA (Fixes certain objects missing from the map)
Prevent OnKeyUp triggering if the chatbox is open
Added canBeKnockedOffBike to ped
Added more advanced rendering apis
Walk key is now synced - SA
Fix CVehicle::ExtinguishCarFire so it won't set health of a blown up car (GTA3)
Added vehicle.blow (GTA3)
Some hack reorganisation (some are less intrusive now)
Fixed an uninitialised free which could cause a crash on quit
Fixed getClientFromPlayerElement returning the element rather than the client
Prevented automatic respawn in VC for multiplayer
Added gta.fading to check if screen is fading
Fixing vehicles now allows entering them again and stops them being charred
Added OnFocus event
Fixed events OnLostFocus and OnMouseLeave
Don't reload the island if it's the same island (GTA3)
Allow safehouse garages to be registered (if offline they'll open up)
Support string/number for cutscene load (string preferred)
Ped skin is now updated properly if server sets it
Tidied up GTA message related functions
Added pagerMessage for GTA3
Implemented setting GTA3/VC stats
Multithreaded file downloading for faster downloads
Files are not loaded into memory as a whole anymore, they are read in chunks to use less RAM
Improvements to resource system to use less RAM
Increased version limitations
If an event fails to add a script error will always be raised now
Support for ArrayBuffer in JavaScript
Added collectAllGarbage script function
Added set/getRotation
Fixed warping into a vehicle causing an invisible driver (SA)
Added exception handling around script functions (SA)
Support for optional position in createObject/createBuilding
Increased limits for objects
Support for stats and cheats in scripting
Fixed an issue where elements could wrongly be deleted clientside
Engine state is now synced
Extra vehicle colours are now synced
Vehicle door locks can be controlled by the server
Added gta.time.minuteDuration
Allow stats to increment/decrement in SA
Disable cheats in VC
Disable asi files in VC
Allow side missions when offline SA
Fixes an issue with launcher tasks
Fix buffer overrun when reading lines from a file
Don't include new lines when reading a line from a file
Support for objects in GTA3/VC/SA
Added gta.onMission property
Disabled bike knockoff in VC for now
Special skins supported in VC
Some more chatbox commands work in SA now
Improved special skin logic for GTA3
Added vehicle upgrades in build 1
Fixes an issue where warping in as a passenger could cause invisibility
Adds support to warp in as a passenger in Vice City
Removed unrequired hooks relating to ped deletion as they was pointless
Disable evasive dive from CWeapon::MakePedsJumpAtShot if it's a player
Peds are no longer frightened in cars (Vice City)
Peds now properly stay in cars if a player enters (Vice City)
Peds can no longer be shot in cars for now (Vice City)
Fix vehicle exiting for SA
Support server setting vehicle colours
Improved sync overall
Fixed an issue where passengers exit when a driver enters (VC)
Fixed a crash if a car gets deleted as the player is about to close the door (VC)
Allow rampage script to run when on a server as we might be able to control it
Implemented a lot of SA support
Fixed an issue in binary writer where WriteBytes failed if zero was given as a size
Fixed uninitialised variable in CustomFiles which could have caused GTA to think errors happened while reading/writing files
Information pickups such as near train stations are enabled by default and there is a scripting function to remove them
Fixed a hack that checked if the game was Vice City instead of San Andreas (whoops)
Merged IncreasedLimits into GameFixes
Fixed ClearObjective so that it calls the correct function
Sync cancel entering a vehicle
Remote players cannot accidentally cancel entering a vehicle now
Fixed some issues in Vice City because of a bad hook which prevented some game code from working
Fixed random peds or cars potentially appearing in Vice City when they shouldn't
Added some new scripting functions
Fixed an issue where the vehicle exit event was triggered multiple times
Added an OnMouseLeave event
Support for streaming fonts (saving RAM where possible)
Fix issues with cursor capture (Avoid SDL's implementation!)
Fixes to 2D rendering
Sockets system is enabled
Added xml interface
Added exports system
Added back loadTXD/loadDFF/loadCOL
Updated freetype to version 2.10.0
Updated libpng to version 1.6.37
Fix issue when reading settings from registry where it could be double null terminated
Query active DNS server using windows apis and fallback to Google's DNS
Added pre-start checks for some dependencies
Updates to third party code fixes several exploits
Added a potential fix for the masterlist not working for some people
Fixes some handling of mouse events and text input
Improved the new DrawPrimitiveUP api
Clear render buffers on before the game quits
Updated curl to 7.64.1
Updated mongoose to 6.14
Added Patreon information to about window
Fixed exception with jump lists if no games have paths
Fix the rotation being ignored because of standard controls
Fixed an exploit where STORE_CAR_PLAYER_IS_IN can execute arguments as code
Diagnostics saving now prompts if overwriting a file
Fixed idenfity management of elements that could cause player spawning issues
Added input hooks for VC
Added frontend sound functions
Improvements to the rendering api for faster drawing
Games are now visible if they have a path
Included GameSA and GameIV (incomplete)
Regressed unlimited elements (Caused random crashes and needs to be reworked)
Moved ModLauncher and ThirdParty modules into a new Engine folder
Fixed CHacks::WriteVFT to unprotect the memory before writing the new pointer
Fixed issue with taskbar jump lists (Windows 7 or newer)
Added triggerEvent
Support sending elements across network
Referenceable is now known as Object to be less confusing and more like javascript or .net
Elements are now NetObjects which contain centralised serialisation logic
Added getResources
Added getClientFromPlayerElement
Added failmission command
Added scripting functions relating to missions
Added more support for Vice City
Launcher will now browse for the game executable if it's missing rather than show an exception
Fixed an issue in the launcher where the listview wasn't always cleared
Launcher now correctly determines if taskbar progress can be set
Added new squirrel string functions (escape, startswith, endswith)
Added some squirrel system functions (clock, time, date)
Fixed an issue where cutscenes crashed
Added taskbar jump lists (Windows 7 or newer)
Added connect command line
Disable F11 map in VC for now
Mission commands support for VC
Added diagnostics
Fixed Vec3.addSpherical not reading azimuthal angle
Fixed memory leaks if errors occur inside vector related functions
Ignore compatibility layers when launching game
Fixed a crash with Vice City if DEP is enabled
Fixed mouse in Vice City
Fixed scm execution suspending the game timer temporarily
Allow traffic on the callahan bridge
Added a check for game script modifications
Support high dpi displays properly
Fixed mistake in boundingRadius property
Fixed music not fading in if camera was overriden entirely
Matrix4x4 now initialises as identity
Added setIdentity to Matrix4x4
Support for passing map to javascript
Fixed issue in the TAR archive exists function that returned the wrong result if a directory didn't exist in the queried path
File system now supports exclusive mounting (which helps efficiency and potential sandbox escaping)
Fixed launcher issue with not disabling the crashes and caches menu items properly
Added method to show legacy mods list
Moved most GTA related code into GTAInterface superseding GTAUtil
Register discord rich presence when ingame rather than process launch (this seems to help it work)
Removed limit of client elements (used to be 4096)
Git information added to about window
Fixed issues with OnKeyUp/OnKeyDown triggering when they shouldn't
Added additional scripting functions for VC
Fixed an issue where GTA3 would teleport far away cars into the tunnel because of hardcoded features relating to the Escort Service mission
Fixed ped warping issues
Fixed civilian initial positioning
Fixed the game not allowing wanted level drop if a player uses a cop skin
Fixed corruption when spawning a vehicle in GameVC
Removed train class from GameVC
Removed default Vice City pickups if in multiplayer
Removed replays in Vice City
Allow player skin override in Vice City
Disabled Vice City runtime shadows for now as they may cause corruption
Updated discord SDK
Launcher now has high quality images for improved DPI support
Mitigated the Meltdown and Spectre attacks
Removed functions that could be used to track users
Added more input events
Added a keybinds system
Added gui.cursorPosition
Renamed SDL functions to be lower camelcase
Upgrades to HackSupport
Copyright changed to 2019
Added getElementFromName
Improved efficiency of element identifiers
Launcher no longer allows refreshing servers list as it didn't do anything
Preperations for more tabs in the launcher
Added ReadLine to Stream class
Improved error handling for scripting arguments
Removed some unrequired information
Support for GTA3 US 1.0 again
Fixed issue with snow that would cause a crash on device reset
Crash mitigation for deleting a ped thats entering a vehicle
Added setPlayerControl
Added playSuspectLastSeen
Moved some functions around
Renamed game to gta and added game as an alias for compatibility
Optimisations and fixes to underlying engine
Engine module renamed to Galactic to prevent potential module conflicts
Fixed issue in exception reporting where error code was uninitialised
Improved handling of launcher data not existing
Fixed code generation and debugging issue by updating Visual Studio
Updated libpng to version 1.6.36
Updated freetype to version 2.9.1
Unfinished game support removed from release builds
Fixed a launcher crash if console is enabled and close launcher is unticked
Fixed an issue where a handle wasn't duplicated causing a possible crash on game launch
Added more GTA IV support
Updated lua to version 5.3.5
Added exception system to help debug issues
Fixed menu bug in GTA Vice City
Fixed corruption issues with GTA Vice City
Added camera update event in GTA Vice City
Fixed issue where vehicle enter/exit wasn't synced in GTA Vice City
Updated mongoose to version 6.13
Added addresses for GTA3 US 1.0
Added addresses for Vice City US 1.0
Added addresses for Vice City US 1.1
Crash Reporter is now an external process
Crashes are not gzipped to save space
Vice City is enabled
Fixed a crash when spawning the player if the player wasn't already spawned in some cases
Added a new binding event system
Updated SDL to version 2.0.9
Fixed matrix rotation
Added new SDL functions
Added new math functions
Fixed issue with using blank arguments in /connect
Increased chatbox width. Also prevents line breaks
Ability to use ARGB vehicle colours
Fixed a crash that could occur when disconnecting
Added diagnostics counter
Removed obsolete code
Fixed a crash if triggerNetworkEvent was used when offline
Fixed an issue where removeAllData never synced
Fixed an issue in the file system where some mount points were ignored due to a 'return false'
Fixed a crash related to snow
Client data support (scripting)
SDL functions moved into SDL namespace
Added name box to launcher settings
Fixed support for GTA3 US 1.0
Fixed broken client scripting object
Added client.index scripting property
Always spawn peds as special ped type
Added stream.writeBytes scripting function
Fixed an issue where network events causes a crash when being deleted
Added better error handling to internal GTA functions to prevent some crashes
Set minimum size of main window to prevent issues
Names are now limited to 32 characters
Fixed issue in TAR parsing
Fixed plane corruption
Fixed a crash when deleting a vehicle while a player is closing the drivers door
Disabled evasive dive for players if weapons are being used
Collectables disabled in a better way
Added more checks to updater system to prevent future issues
New launcher!
Added server browser with double click to join or select+enter key.
Server browser connects to selected server with enter key.
Fixed discord rich presence. Shows server name and connect button when connected.
Added support for emoji in chat.
Launcher provides easy access to cache and crash folders.
Added on-foot radio.
Added a bunch of scripting functions for vehicles.
Added scripting function.
Added a bunch of scripting functions for peds.
Fixed crash when multiple boats were in the same place.
Fixed issue with cursor being visible on connect and reconnect.
Fixed issue where the game kept handling auto-respawn on death incorrectly.
Fixed issue with horn/siren not working with high framerate.
Added second newspaper in Vice City.
Lots of internal optimizations and organization.
Fixed the issue where the game would hang on startup for some people.
Better support for GTA 3 US 1.0.
Vectors can now be used as either array (0,1,2) or object (x,y,z)
Fixed issue where garages wouldn't reset to closed when disconnecting.
Fixed issue where closing the game caused the process to hang on Windows 7.
Removed GUI. New one coming soon, custom made by one of the team members!
Removed ability to use custom effects via shader files, like bloom or sepia tone.
Support for Vice City and San Andreas has been put on hold.
Removed Vice City, San Andreas, Underground, and IV games from launcher menu.
Moved some scripting functions around, mostly to global.
Chatbox supports foreign characters (such as russian).
Clipboard support in chatbox. Copy, cut, paste.
Added text-selection to chatbox. Shift+arrow or mouse cursor click to select.
Chatbox history with up/down arrow.
Improved Squirrel language support
Updated Squirrel to the latest version (3.1)
Fixed vehicle entering state.
Fixed a couple of internal issues with the updater.
Fixed pay and spray doors. They now have proper collision.
Fixed an issue where players sometimes couldn't punch other players.
Added an in-game map overlay to GTA 3, usable with F11 key.
Added a CVAR system. Info on CVAR's and their values can be found on the wiki.
Fixed issue where a few default vehicles and peds would spawn when connecting.
Fixed issue where game settings wouldn't save properly.
Fixed an issue where fonts would sometimes make the game crash on exit.
Fixed an issue where invincible players would sometimes still take damage.
Fixed detached camera issue where islands and ambience wouldn't work correctly.
Fixed passengers using hands on steering wheel anim
Fixed issue where player's death sometimes wouldn't sync properly.
Improved the detection of hacks and ASI files.
Additional scripting functions
Chatbox supports foreign characters such as russian
Clipboard paste support using CTRL + V into chatbox
Chatbox history
Improved squirrel support
Updated squirrel to the latest version
Fixed vehicle entering state
Game now uses full SDL window (experimental)
Removed network id limits
Simplified launcher
Additional scripting functions
Text colouring
Fixes for obscure DPI issues
Tidied up command handler code handling
Peer2Peer experimental support
Fixed crash with /setname
Enabled SSV bridge when offline
Tweaks to various network packets
Tweaks to server browser
Updated to support new masterlist format
Fixed packet compression not working
Added workaround for /dumpdoc where if the Documentation folder doesn't exist I create it for you
Improved replication management
Added support for sending element related packets only if absolutely required (optimise out packets that possibly aren't required and resend another time)
Element data can now synchronise after an element is spawned and keep updated optionally
Fixed high dpi issues in updater
If a hack is not supported the hack won't install instead of crashing
Improved verification of files
Packet compression support
Rewrote packet logic for better sync and traffic management
Fixed some scripting related corruption issues
Support for train headlights/taillights
Synced planes in Vice City
Forced all planes to exist in Vice City (Police chopper and dodo)
Enabled trains when offline
Reset all settings now reloads the mods list
Moved SCM related functions into GTAUtil
Fixed crash in Vice City
Fixed command line processing
Removed unused code
Lua is now used as a dll
Fixed missing version information
Improved documentation dumping
Split up project more
Time/Weather/Trains/Planes/SSV bridge are now synchronised in Grand Theft Auto III
Toast notification support for windows 10 (Legacy notifications if older
Fixed some scripting related crashes
Rewrote the entire launcher
More game version support including 1.0/1.1 of both Grand Theft Auto III and Vice City
May support other San Andreas versions (untested)
Includes delta update support (no need to use an installer again to update)
Rewrote a lot of scripting/reflection
Game supports high framerates a lot better including the siren on police cars etc.
Many many changes I forgot about...
Unoccupied vehicles sync less often
Improved VC/SA support with some scripting functions
Fixed several memory leaks relating to text sent across the network
Client now knows the connected players
Fixed an issue where associated data could fail because 2 variables had the same name
Fixed some weird interpolation issues
SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency/SDL_GetPerformanceCounter now used for time management
Made the move to libressl as opposed to OpenSSL
Scripting interface redesigned to support additional languages way easier
Cached lua scripts are compiled
Added carpark, pickups and other minor details to offline mode
Disabled staunton lift bridge for now
Made the client size way smaller
destroyElement(localPlayer) is now called when the game is shutting down ensuring the local player is deleted properly
Removed old code
Vehicles and peds are now looked up from the pools rather than using the elements list (improves efficiency)
Added game.aspectRatio to scripting (returns width/height currently but helps prepare scripts for user changeable aspect ratio)
Removed disable island loading screen option entirely
Any element can now be named
Decreased assertion level
Fixed several memory leaks when using OpenSSL
Updated freetype to 2.8.1
Updated zlib to 1.2.11
Fixed a lot of rendering related memory leaks
Fixed memory leaks relating to CEGUI usage
Fixed memory leaks in multiplayer
Fixed memory leaks when verifying files
Removed debugging code that was accidentally introduced
Removed thread local storage usage as it breaks the client for Windows XP users
Fixed a memory leak when getting the occupied vehicle (I forgot to release the reference)
Memory is now tracked in debug builds to help track leaks
Implemented setData/getData on most classes for storing custom data associated with things
Increased MAX_PEDS and MAX_VEHICLES to 512 rather than 256
Further improvements and support for map files (xml format for parked cars etc.)
Certificate store (updates without client update!)
Code signing
Camera resets properly on respawn
Finished wanted level support for San Andreas
Police ignore the player if connected to a server
Added Verbose Logging option to advanced settings
Improved and consolidated code that interfaces with the games matrix class
Reorganised the licenses
Added version info to binaries
Rewritten scripting support entirely to support new languages without much effort
Rewritten many hacks
Introduced an easter egg, Merry Christmas!
Increased vehicle limit from 110 to 256 in GTA3/VC/SA
Increased antennas limit from 8 to 256 in GTA3/VC
Traffic is now properly disabled
Civilians are now properly disabled
Checks game installation better for conflicting modifications
Adds a reset all settings button under tools
Window mode supports people who don't have 1600x900 resolution
Blocks ultimate asi loader
Bug fixes
Started implementing javascript classes
Fixed an issue where if the local player was deleted the game would crash on exit
Removed some obsolete functions and methods
Removed internal testing/debugging tools from public release
Removed the unfinished server browser from public release
Supports language attribute on scripts (Server version 1.0.11 or newer)
Engine.NetworkEvents no longer exists in lua, replace with the new function Engine.AddNetworkHandler!
Added cheatkeys resource for offline
Default resources are now zipped
Bug fixes
Fixed memory corruption issues relating to lua scripting
Fixed memory leaks from GUI system
Fixed connect command crashing if no arguments specified
Fixed reference issues
Added safety checks for GTA deleting elements
Prevented blown vehicles being deleted
Removed some testing options/code
JavaScript implementation using SpiderMonkey (unfinished)
Fixed an issue where spawning would cause the local player to lose control of their player
libMultiplayer now keeps track of element identifiers properly
Added checks to libMultiplayer for when switching players
Players do not inherit the controls of the player of the client their syncronised to
Installer includes artwork
Checking for an update doesn't freeze the launcher anymore
Prepared code for automating client updates
Fixed reference issues
Launcher hides if close launcher is unticked
Added better support for upgrades
Improved multiplayer packets (with support for old servers)
Improved a lot of the general logic
Fixed minor issues introduced with previous release
Fixed crash on startup affecting some users
Fixed player being in the world multiple times
Improved managment of GTA elements
Added more lua functions such as IsKeyDown
Fixed a crash when clicking on the window at specific times
Fixed a memory leak
Direct3D 9 for GTA3/VC (Opt in only)
Fixed invisible vehicles such as boats in GTA3
Fixed name being blank causing weird issues
Pickup support for Vice City and San Andreas
Fixes blip issues in Vice City
Fixes certain weapons not allowing aim in Vice City
Removed some ways of gaining wanted level in Vice City
Removed money
Added RemoveBodyPart function
Prevent cheats in Vice City when connected
Prevent special items from certain vehicles in Vice City
Prevent some crashes in Vice City (such as a remote player entering a car with a tec-9)
Implemented basic scaling to chatbox
Fixed weapons in Vice City
Fixed SetCurrentWeapon issue in Vice City
Added some stability patches for Vice City
Weapon range checks in Vice City
Fixed last update crashing in every game other than GTA3
Added support for telling server when wasted
Vehicles now fade in (GTA3 only)
Movie texture support
Fixed a leak when updating a texture
Fixed a leak when deleting a font
Removed cheats option (always enabled when not connected)
Tweaked logging
Cache no longer emptied when upgrading
Fixed a crash when casting references
Fixed a lot of memory leaks
Fixed heap corruption
Resizable window if windowed
Launcher remembers last game selected
Settings file never gets saved when in GTA Connected
Resolution defaults to primary monitor resolution if fullscreen
Windowed defaults to 1600x900 but can be resized
Added option to enable trails in Vice City
Added 'Always Use Primary Monitor Resolution' option
More Vice City support
Stability fixes
New scripting functions
Redesign to escape screen
SetRubbishTexture refused to accept nil to undo the texture change
More Vice City support
Stability fixes
New scripting functions
Stability fixes
New scripting functions
More Vice City support
GUI improvements
Fixed issue where client ignored the http port the server specified
Rewritten parts of the resource manager
Removed 'MESSAGE:' on basic logging
Tweaked settings to disable ignored settings
Added game output to settings
Rubbish texture restored on game restart and if texture is nil
Fixed settings window defocusing the launcher
Fixed crash in Vice City when deleting entities
Added newspaper functions
Added 'Close Launcher' checkbox to launcher
Added debugging level option
Added terminate on crash option
Fixed vehicle warping
Fixed being in the world multiple times
Added safety checks to prevent crashes (console outputs errors on issues)
Objectives syncronised with a packet
Fixed a memory leak
Fixed chatbox preventing damage and many other things
Fixed rocket launcher and other aim weapons
Added Pickup element
Removed all warping code as it causes crashes (until fixed)
Might have fixed vehicle enter/exit and warping issues
Removed enter/exit animations until fixed
Huge sync improvements
Added SetFadeColour
Removed a useless lua function
Stability improvements
Prevent getting in a car if there is a driver
Removed hardcoded effects such as money on a taxi enter or health in an ambulance
Enter key forces a hijack rather than entering as passenger sometimes
Prevented reading of the fake peds.col
Prevent some mods from loading to try to prevent cheating or issues
Support for loading DFF files
Support for loading TXD files
Support for loading collision files
Optimised network traffic
Elements are only syncronised if a change happens
Vehicle syncronisation improvements (passengers are broken for now!)
Encrypted network traffic support
Added missing element defines
Added math functions
Vehicle sync improved
Added network statistics (use /netstats to toggle)
Removed a lot of useless lua functions
Added new lua functions
Fixed Building being in the world twice (caused crash)
Peds can be warped in/out of vehicles without the game crashing
Fixed 'connect' command to accept a password and port
Added 'reconnect' command
Moved connect/disconnect command to C++ rather than lua
Fixed double disconnect issue
Connecting while a new game is about to start works perfectly now
Fixed font crash due to initialisation/shutdown being done wrong
Chatbox history is no longer cleared on connection to a server
Removed internal testing commands
Removed some useless scripting functions
Fixed an issue where only GTA3 was working
Fixed an issue in RestartGame where if not connected to a server it would crash
New scripting functions
Cursor enabled when typing into chatbox or escape menu open
Markers supported
Fixed a buffer overrun in the memory stream, this would cause the update check to crash if the response was too large and possibly allow exploits
Cheats unavailable during multiplayer regardless of setting
Weapon range checks to prevent a crash
Cutscene safety checks
More supported cutscenes
Fixed an issue where the mouse would lock up
Fixed an issue where the audio would stop working
Fixed a possible crash
New scripting functions added
Fixed crash if cheats was disabled
Removed wrong password specified for /jack command
Callahan bridge correctly marked as open
Tank spawned with cheat doesn't stay on map forever
Cheats fully disabled if unticked in settings
Support for warping into a vehicle
Inflict Damage event
Remote players are now invincible
Fixed cursor being invisible for crash dialog
Crash dump saving
Exception box
Objective sync (partial)
Civilian support for GTA3
Police/emergency cars are now unlocked in Vice City